I was being bullied for wearing blue that day, and I was asked to leave. Maybe because the other was wearing red on the playground that day. But everyone was playing the same game and no one got hurt. In fact, the big boy in a red shirt and a red cap, I think his name was Richie, he was playing rougher than anyone in the park that day, no one asked him to leave. Timmy, the gangly boy from Art was kicking a sand castle Jodie built in the box, but no one told him to leave. Jodie had to leave instead, because she wore that blue ribbon on her hair. By the way, who declared a Red Day that day? I thought that it was a free playground and everyone gets to wear what they want!
Someone must be out of their mind when they say that Malaysia is coming nearer to anarchism. Yes, I have people tell me that. I say, you're out of your mind.
Well, just because of some exaggerated fact by the media, suddenly practicing your civil rights becomes illegal. Expressing your thoughts become highly hazardous. And thinking your thoughts out loud is prohibited.
We are expected to stand still, and let the top guns do whatever they want to do with our money.
We are expected to be silence, while some people gets the privilege of reaping fruits of our labor.
We are expected to swear loyalty, when the people we are loyal to stab us in the back with the very same dagger we raise and swore with.
We are expected to submit reliance, to the people who had no intention what so ever react to that reliance if it is of no importance but to themselves.
To me, this is nothing but a discrimination of an exclusive kind. I'm being discriminated in my own country. Just because I'm not one of them, I'm uncleaned. I'm dirt. For that I'm bullied. For that I'm being discriminated...
I was asked to leave the playground just because I wore blue that day.