Monday, 29 October 2007

Song of the day

This may sounds lame, but as you all should know by now, yours truly was born and grown during the heights of the age where big hairs, tight pants and oversized jackets are at its peak. At four or five, I was already singing or rather mumbling - at that time - the song 'Papa Don't Preach' and 'Karma Chameleon', via a microphone + PA system somewhat equivalent to today's karaoke machine. Promotional video, or music video as it is known these days, was at its begining course of 'killing the radio star'. As they say, you can take a person out of the 80s, but you can never take the 80s out of a person.

The day's event had eventually contribute to my flat mood this morning. Getting a call on 8.31 am, asking me things regarding work is hardly pleasant, especially when works starts at 8.30 am. Does the phrase 'settle down' means nothing these days?

Alas, the first think that comes in mind is : It's just another manic Monday..... Lame, I know. You must be thinking, the Bangles? Of all the songs about Mondays.... the Bangles?? Why Bangles?

Why not? Admittedly,yours truly does have a softer side. I am not all about taking-matters-at-my-own-hand (which I never recklessly did, ever.... yet), and dark-justice, and bla-bla-bla, gloomy and gothic stuff. There comes a time when I exhibit my Eternal Flame and there are times when I need to have fun and Walk Like an Egyptian.

Thus, behold, courtesy of the magic and wonder of the 80s, the song of the day : Manic Monday by the Bangles. Hahahahaa... gilo.

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