Watching French Revolution on History Channel the other day got me to think of how much I'm intrigued by the likes of Maximillien Robespierre and their aspiration. Not what they fight for, off course, but their ambition, and will, their struggle for changes and their believe in the cause, whatever it is.
Mind taking a look at the followings, folks. Hitler, Lenin, Jim Jones, Charlie Manson (yes, the crackhead mass-murderer), Voldermort (no joke) etc.
What do these people have in common? They believe in something so much that they fight blood and tears for it, in spite of intense disagreement towards it by others. They have power to drastically change their followers' perspective by just giving their infamous knock-out speeches (yes, including Manson, although some claimed that that's the grass speaking)
Off course, all of them exhibited ruthless dictatorship.
Most of them are, as acused, power-crazed or rather obsessed with their own ability of persuasion.
Half of them had troubled life, pre-callings.
Several of them resolved to suicide.
One of them, at least, was diagnosed mentally-illed.
But none of them failed in gathering numerous of loyal, die-hard, 'if-you-ask-me-to-stab-myself-now-I'll-do-it-no-question-ask' followers.
You see, I'm not fascinated by whatever grounds those blokes promoted. Just merely their ability and somewhat (sometimes accidental) leadership, despite what the believes are.
If only it was for a good cause..... I mean, minus the questionably psychotic ideologies, bizzare method, tendencies to see self as God and dire resolutions applied in the very end, they might actually can do good in this world.
Things you learn from the telly.... Amazing invention, that dreaded box.
Friday, 2 November 2007
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1 comment:
Reminds me those ancient days where we would share our views on tellie.
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