Friday, 23 November 2007

Fool's Garden

... I know it's a name of a forgotten band, but this has absolutely nothing to do with it.

If there IS such a place where fools live together, okay? Are you with me? Imagine... the place would be called Fool's Garden, and sadly, I do know a few people living there.

One would be, of course the ever so popular and sooo stupid Mr. IDIOT. He lives just next door to the not-so-informed Minister of Information, and not so far away from is-that-really-hair-I-swear-I-saw-it-moved-haired Minister of Works. Somewhere just around the corner are a community of police officers serving the Fool's Garden neighbourhood. But that would be another story, unlike this one.

This is a story of a person so dense that this event that happened to him, happened to none other. You can tell him apart from his tightly combed hair, oddly to the sides, so slick that people are afraid to wear that style of hair ever again in this era. A friend, Har called it Rambut Rempek. This is how mothers used to combed their 4 year old sons' hair back in the 60s. It was too old fashion that people caught wearing that style was stoned to death. Yes, it's true. There's a story behind that, but again, that's a whole different story, unlike this one.

Thus, on that faithful day, he was driving a 4WD to a far away land so distanced from the urban life. The place was so remote, although there were properly well-bitumined road, it was all hills and valleys. Of course, that was not a problem for his odd and ill-decorated-to-the-extent-of-killing-the-aesthatic-value-of-a-precious-200grand-car 4WD. Off he went 100kmph, over the hill and down to the valley.

That was when he met up with a police patrol car slowly climbing the 45degrees hill. Refused to tail the struggling white automobile, he changed gear and got ready to over-take it. Of course, there was no sin commited, until a double white line painted on the road was put into consideration then you are purposely provoking them. And yes, the fool, meaning the 4WD driver not the police, did it anyway.

It didn't take the patrol car too long before they caught up with him at the downhill. And the fool paid the price of being a fool.

Not quite Max-X cum Lemony Snicket, eah? Hahah!

And I say: What were you thinking? Were you even thinking? 100kmph + overtaking + double line + patrol car = ??? Do the math, dumb-ass!

In this case, Nad, I agree with you, girl! There are people out there who are IDIOTIC! And guess what, they lived in one place. Fool's Garden.

P/s: Please don't mind my grammar, I was in a hurry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha'ah la..bitumen road..reminds me of the old days at the site office when we go n play with the bitumen samples..main bowling to be exact..hehe..which later the construction manager marah us...