Story 1
You were strolling in the shopping mall, spotted a very nice jewelry; say a brilliant diamond bracelet on the showcase, stopped, admired it for a bit, and then went in the shop to take a closer look. Upon entry, one of the eyebrow-less Chinese girl under a heavy almost-ghastly likely-terrifying make-up gave you a sour nearly-in-disgust glance. You ignored. Then you took a closer intent look at the item, looking very interested. Amidst the silence, an irritating noise emerged; “Dat one bely expensip arr, two toujen.” You gave the freak-show an intense glare.
We say: What’s with the third degree?
Story 2
You just came out from Nando’s after a meal, and to cool down, you went for a light walk, up and down the escalator. You suddenly spotted a suave shirt on a mannequin in FCUK, went in and lingered for a while. A kampung-looking Malay salesgirl emerged out of nowhere, followed you around like a edgy distressed remora for a bit before gushing out, ‘Yes? How can I help?’ in a very dismayed manner. The C traded place with the U.
We say: What’s with the third degree?
Story 3
You entered a government office for somewhat official business, waited at a counter while one of the makcik was busy entertaining a visitor, a man in a suit & tie. After 15 minutes of waiting, the so-called gentleman left and the makcik in baju kurung and tudung, color mismatched, went to attend to you. Simply greeted you with a smile-less ‘Ye?’, and without even apologizing for the 15 minutes, gave you a blank stare. Her eyes were saying ‘What do you want? Quick, I’m missing my 10 o’clock gossip update with Kak Peah from Account’. Your sense of respect shattered.
We say: What’s with the third degree?
Ever happened to you? May I see a show of hands? I mean, really, what’s with the third degree?
Salesgirls/ Costumer service/ Clerk nak berlagak, please la….
Monday, 26 November 2007
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