Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Hi, You O'right?

As they say it here... that's 'How are you?', by the way.

I have been receiving requests from friends to post some pictures. Don't have much, but luckily, we went to Birmingham last weekend and manage to snap a few. Here goes...

Birmingham, I think the place is called Bull Rink or something. Shopaholics can go crazy in this place. Next, Armani Exchange, Zara, Timberland, Top Shop, Primark, Debenhams etc. We did't actually buy anything though, window shopping je... From left: Tengku Haphiz, Sara & Zaili (married couple), Naziha (visiting friend all the way from London) and the Mrs.
Iklan!! These people have been very helpful since day one. I still remember Haphiz and Zaili, came to visit us on our first day in Wolv. Back then, the house was such a wreck, we were unhappy. The guys offered to share their house while ours being refurbish and repair. They invited us for dinner, offered to help gotong royong to clean up the house and whatever they can do to help, we felt so welcomed. Remind me to do the same with the batch coming semester. Iklan tamat...

They place is just huge. Longgok at one place. Cinema, shopping, train station, shopping, bus stop, shopping, eateries... did I mention shopping? It's like One Utama plus Midvalley plus The Garden minus the roof.

Here, me and the Mrs.... Notice the plastic bag. It's not what you think. Those are leftovers. Makan tak habis. So, we tapau. As I told you, we didn't buy anything.

I can't manage to upload videos through this, it's such a drag. I'll work something out for the next post.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

The Wolverhampton Wanderers

And as the first sun shines in Wolverhampton since our arrival here......

Can't believe that I'm here!!

Yes, I am, right now, in the university's Internet Cafe (and it's a real cafe, with coffee and all, and no kids in school uniforms menyemak main Counter Strike)

I'm in between my orientation programme right now. While waiting for the next programme to start, I just drop by the cafe to briefly get online, check email, see what I've missed. Yes, they allow you to do that on your orientation, unlike the orientation back in UM. I remembered my UM orientation, the early mornings, military style and all. Unlike here, right after the registration/ enrolment, (by the way, minus sesat and all, the entire process was quite smooth), we can do whatever we want, go to which ever workshop and talks that we wanted to. And honestly, I don't feel reluctant at all to go to any of the workshop and talks that I feel is necessary.

I haven't got the time to download any interesting pictures, since everything is still in a mess and we haven't really settle down yet. I haven't even got time to quill on my one of a kind journey, from Kuching to KL, the sorrowful departure, the KLIA international lounge, Emirates Airlines, the Dubai International Airport, my Solat Suboh Jemaah in Dubai, Birmingham Airports, the houses in Birmingham and Walsall, our devastation towards the horrid house condition (which thankfully, is now being refurbished and 'beautified' as we speak), ASDA, Argos, Primark (those are not diseases, I can assure you) above all others, the neighbourhood etc. Folks, watch out for the updates.

Until then, cheers. (Saje... hehehe)

Monday, 14 January 2008

Au Revoir, Adiqa

And as we say farewell to the people, the work and the company...

My last day in the office, and I have decided to spend it on 'wasting time'... watch as the clock ticks, the shorter arm moves further away from the number 8 and closer to number 5, getting to know my colleagues, or rather, ex-colleagues in a few hours, though I already know them enough, playing silly frog-blowing-away-marble-games in the computer.... well spent, I tell you.

Nothing like the last day in the office.

How many times that you go to the office without feeling grumpy because you know you'll be grouchier by the end of the day? This is the time...

It's a great feeling, folks. It's redemption. It's ecstacy. It's... it's freedom.

... and that's that. For real.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

17 Days and Counting

17 days more to go...
My life changing Hijrah.
I really don't know what to expect.
I bet it's going to be exciting
Yet it's going to be sad
But I bet it's going to be life changing..

Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Rahim

Those who believe, and suffer exile and strive with might and main, in Allah.s cause, with their goods and their persons, have the highest rank in the sight of Allah. they are the people who will achieve (salvation). - Surah At Taubah 9:20

Pray that my journey is in the name of Allah will always be blessed with peace and barakah. Amin.