Thursday, 24 January 2008

The Wolverhampton Wanderers

And as the first sun shines in Wolverhampton since our arrival here......

Can't believe that I'm here!!

Yes, I am, right now, in the university's Internet Cafe (and it's a real cafe, with coffee and all, and no kids in school uniforms menyemak main Counter Strike)

I'm in between my orientation programme right now. While waiting for the next programme to start, I just drop by the cafe to briefly get online, check email, see what I've missed. Yes, they allow you to do that on your orientation, unlike the orientation back in UM. I remembered my UM orientation, the early mornings, military style and all. Unlike here, right after the registration/ enrolment, (by the way, minus sesat and all, the entire process was quite smooth), we can do whatever we want, go to which ever workshop and talks that we wanted to. And honestly, I don't feel reluctant at all to go to any of the workshop and talks that I feel is necessary.

I haven't got the time to download any interesting pictures, since everything is still in a mess and we haven't really settle down yet. I haven't even got time to quill on my one of a kind journey, from Kuching to KL, the sorrowful departure, the KLIA international lounge, Emirates Airlines, the Dubai International Airport, my Solat Suboh Jemaah in Dubai, Birmingham Airports, the houses in Birmingham and Walsall, our devastation towards the horrid house condition (which thankfully, is now being refurbished and 'beautified' as we speak), ASDA, Argos, Primark (those are not diseases, I can assure you) above all others, the neighbourhood etc. Folks, watch out for the updates.

Until then, cheers. (Saje... hehehe)

1 comment:

Anonymous said... I envy you my dear friend. One of my dream is going to UK, either to study or to work or leisure, as long as I can smell and feel the differences they have got there. To feel how it is to be apart from our own country, to see their way of life, their belief, their culture...everything that they are. I like to travel, but I never have any chances, so my only precious moments of travelling overseas are my dreams. (Pls do not mind my English. It's quite broken, isn't it? Eheheehe) -Ol' Fren-