Monday, 24 March 2008

Picture yourself in a boat on a river,
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly,
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green,
Towering over your head.
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes,
And she's gone.

Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marshmellow pies,
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers,
That grow so incredibly high.
Newspaper taxis appear on the shore,
Waiting to take you away.
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,
And you're gone.

Picture yourself on a train in a station,
With plasticine porters with looking glass ties,
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstyle,
The girl with the kaleidoscope eyes.

Lucy In The Sky Diamonds

Monday, 10 March 2008


Aneh barangkali melihat di longgokan kata-kata laungan berbahasa Inggeris, kali ini aku memilih untuk meninta dalam bahasa yang datang secara pakej dengan warna rambutku, warna kulitku, warna anak mataku, darahku dan lidahku, Bahasa Melayu.

Barangkali aku merasa terpanggil di kebangkitan era baru ini. Lantas terdetik rasa rindu serta membara menaruh harapan untuk melihat perubahan.

Sejujurnya, aku bukanlah pengikut setia kencah politik negara.
Sejujurnya, aku hampir tidak peduli siapa pegang negara.
Walaupun aku sering mengata, mencela, mencerca dajal mana yang suruh laksana hukum-hukum tak berguna, buat rakyat sengsara.
Sejujurnya, aku telan sahaja..

Sehingga aku disedarkan oleh kisah sekumpulan golongan petani merempuh pagar kediaman di Raja Perancis, mencetuskan Revolusi Perancis.
Sehingga aku disedarkan oleh perjuangan seorang lelaki bertopeng menentang kerajaan yang mengekang rakyat dalam cerita fantasi V for Vendetta.
Sehingga aku sendiri merasakan betapa susahnya hidup di negaraku sendiri walau di arena profesional, seorang profesional tidak mampu untuk hidup secara selesa, tanpa hutang.

Mungkin seberadanya aku di sini aku disedarkan bahawa kita produk sistem yang kurang berkesan. Perbualan bersama Sunder, seorang rakan Malaysia di sini, membuka mataku yang sudah celik ketika itu, kitalah produk itu.
Produk sistem yang tercipta sejak 50 tahun.
Produk seperti mana penciptanya mahukan.
Produk sistem pendidikan pincang, tak pernah tetap, sentiasa berubah dan fickle.
Produk sistem ekonomi kapitalis, tak menguntungkan rakyat, berat sebelah dan hanya memihak kepada golongan mereka sahaja.
Produk sistem cukai ala-ala Pra-Revolusi Perancis, duit rakyat untuk beli kemewahan mereka,
;bina rumah mega-mewah untuk mereka dan keluarga, untuk apa?
;bina bandar perhiasan ala galeri pameran kesenian, untuk apa?
;beli kapal selam yang tak mungkin digunakan, untuk apa?
;beli kapal terbang khas untuk mereka melancong, untuk apa?
;beli kereta Hummer, Rolls Royce, Lamborghini, Maserati dan Maybach, untuk apa?
;hantar seorang wakil pelancong ke angkasa, untuk apa?

Strategi perniagaan apakah ini? Mana pelabur asingnya? Mana perkembangan sains dan teknologinya? Kenapa masih ada rakyat yang makan siput babi untuk hidup?

Harapan untuk Sarawak ku,
O urang Sarawak, kitakorang jak belom sedar agik.
Jangan diharap kita akan maju, setanding seberang lom tentu, apa lagik luar negara,
Jangan fikir kita dah cukup maju untuk kita puas ati.
Kita gik jauh oi... sedar gik, sedar lah lagik..

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Tales of Democracy

Campaign posters, campaign t-shirts, campaign balloons, campaign tall-person-in-a-Tweety costume (no kidding, freaky almost daunting)… Unaware by yours truly, there was an election going on at the campus to elect the new Student Body President.

This got me to think; democracy has been talked about so much lately.

It might be the last time we see Matt Ward welcoming new students to the University of Wolverhampton, if the underdog Susan Toole doesn’t succeed to impress the students with whatever manifesto she’s proposing. (I honestly don’t know what is going on in the Uni’s election state of affairs; this is only what I’ve picked up from the campaigners). Democracy

America is on the verge of having their ‘first’…. it is either a First Lady President or a First Colored President, considering if the Republicans are still behind the Democrats by hundreds. Democracy.

In the 1790s, when the Royal Kingdom of France was overthrown by the people for their injustice and unfair taxes, the world was introduce to a system where a man’s right was upheld. The voices of people hailed louder than one single man called King. Democracy.

It was by the power of unity that the Galactic Republic subsisted. But when ultimate power was given to High Chancellor Palpatine that we started to see the Republic collapsed and the whole Galactic System subside. Failure in Democracy.

What is it about democracy? It’s everywhere nowadays. So popular, even the No. 1 entertainment show in the world, American Idol was believed to have adopted the concept of democracy.

Excuse my childish interpretation of democracy, or rather my Star Wars interpretation of it, but shouldn’t it be the uninfluenced voices of people determines the government and how it should be run, and without unfair advantage on any competing party? An almost perfect system, don't you think?

So why does my beloved country display a tarnished version of it?

Abdul Wahib: Inilah namanya Demokrasi
Abdul Wahab: Demokrasi apa?
Abdul Wahib: Demokrasi Terpimpin

Abdul Wahab: Demokrasi Terpimpin kepala hotak kau!!

p/s- ngantuk, so any grammatical and spelling error amatlah dikesali...