Monday, 28 April 2008

What are we to do with these people?

Alas, there comes a time when a man leaves his pleasant good side and come venture in the world of hatred and loath.

My time is now. This, I decided right about few minutes ago. (**Notice one of the alter-ego is now present. The dark-badtempered antagonist one)

Hence, I present to thee, my list of least favourite people to date;

1. The king nothing - other related names; 'raja boneka', King John, King Theoden (for a while)... Dead stubborn, unprofessional, constantly makes poor decision and bodoh sombong. If he's a project manager, live up to the name as far as succeeding to manage the project down the drain. Don't be too proud sitting on that chair, mate.

2. The dogs - other related names; 'lembu dicucuk hidung'. They are doing deeds for the authority, and blindly doing it. Unconditional obedience. Irrational at times. They will swallow, obey and submit. Even when they have to lie and look dirty doing it, as long as they deliver.

3. The convex mirror - other related names; Mirror On the wall, Khir Toyo... The people who gives you false hope. Misrepresentation. Excellent in getting people's hope up just to brush people away. Famous for promising and not delivering. Treat today, waste the other.

4. The sphincter mouth - other related names; KJ, potty mouth... Words come out with... use your imagination, what else comes out of a sphincter... let's leave it at that.

5. The tall-tales teller - other related names; 'penglipurlara', big fish... Entertaining at times until it becomes dull and annoying. They are always the hero, they are always better than others, they always win. Truth it may be, as lies are too. Fact as it is deceit. We will never know.

6. The chocolate-dipped-chilly - other related names; Milli Vanilli... The deceiver. Wants to appear acceptable and lovable, therefore, the disguise. With all the fake innocence, people still can see right through you, mate.

How wonderful would it be to have these as characters in a fictional adventure. In literature, perhaps? Mmmm... perhaps.

What are we to do with these people?
Turn them into fictional characters, and quill away.

Monday, 21 April 2008

Will You Ever Walk Alone?

Liverpool Fans, The Kopites says that 'You'll Never Walk Alone'
Liverpool grown, The Beatles said 'I looked at all the lonely people' (Eleanor Rigby)

One, assuring joy and accompaniance. One, stating devastation and boredom. O Liverpool, who should I listened to? Which song should I chose?

Liverpool. Mentioned to me I can automatically refer to two things. The Legendary Football Club, and the Legendary Rock N Roll Band. The football team supported by most of my friends and family members, and the rock n roll band that plays a great part as my musical inspiration.

I was in Liverpool and got to see both, well... not quite.

I went to Anfield, didn't get to go the stadium tour as the tour was fully booked for the whole day, but got to take pictures at the compound, bought souvenirs and left.

I went to Beatles Story Exhibition, but didn't get to go in as time was limited and the bus was about to leave, but got to take pictures at the entrance, bought a souvenir and left.

Liverpool trip was a devastation. I am frustrated. It was like a Hollow Chocolate Easter Egg. Just when you thought that the egg was this one solid fist size egg shaped chocolate delight, it turns out to be hollow, the chocolate was only on the surface and the middle was empty. How you wished that it was something like Cadbury Creme Egg, Chocolate Surface and creamy gooey sweet ooze inside, but it's not!

How I wish that we have chosen the Beatles Story Exhibition!

How big of a fan am I? Well, let's just say, huge. I heard the echoes of people calling Lucy In the Sky Diamonds in the most melodious sound when I was five. I knew Maggie Mae before I knew Maggi Mee. I was singing to comfort a hurt soul through Hey Jude. I was taught to Let It Be. Get Back introduced me to Sweet Loretta Martin and Jojo, while George's guitar gently weeps.

All and all, Liverpool trip was a failure.

If there's anything good I can say about the trip is that Anfield was fine (why would it not be, it is the home of the great Liverpool FC), the City was beautiful and the people were helpful and incredibly friendly (friendliest so far, I say. Birmingham being the least friendly).

I still think we missed a lot by not visiting the Beatles Story Exhibition. Darn!

Well, heck! With all the frustration in the air, I will sing along with the Beatles 'I looked at all the lonely people...' and next time, to really enjoy visiting the 'should-be' awesome Liverpool, I rather walk alone!

Glory Glory Man United

For those who know me personally, they will know that I am not a football fan. I have no favorite team, and I don't have my favorite player.
But who can resist the temptation of a great event of that The World Cup.
Who can refrain themselves at the sight of players like Owen, Messi, Henry... not that I have met one yet.

Lets not get the wrong idea, I don't hate football. There is no sin in acknowledging but the most popular sport in the world; the madness, the passion, the celebrations, the event, the commotions, the joy, the tears.
Yes, it's one of the greatest thing ever created by mankind.
Yes, it brings the world together.
It's not only a sport, it's love, it's commitment, it's a universal language (Goal means Goal, doesn't matter wherever you are, whether in China or Uganda, you know what I mean), it's the perfect representation of the world.

And I do acknowledge that.
I acknowledge that to the extent that if one day an alien tribe appears from somewhere in the universe, asking me what can you tell me about earth, I say football.
Thus, there I was in Old Trafford. The legendary, most celebrated Theatre Of Dreams. Homes of the Manchester United. My feeling: dead excited!!

If you ask me, how did it go? I say, three words Phen, OOOO, Menal! The stadium tour was awesome, the Changing Room, the Lounge, the Entrance to the Pitch, the Dug Out... Watching it from the telly, now seeing it, touching it, breathing it, LIVE, incredible experience.

Now, would it change my mind about football? Yes and No.. I told you, I don't hate football. I just don't follow it passionately like others do.
I always thought Giggs will become a legend, Gerard is an excellent player, Ronaldo is growing more than ever and Wallcott is someone to watchout for.
Will I watch football more? Perhaps. Well, I AM in England, the Capital of Football in the World, so they say.

Friday, 11 April 2008

Mr. Ah San on Freedom

Something to share;

A chat with Ah San, a humble hardware store tauke from Serian many months ago, he said that Malaysia is not a free country. So, much for the 'Merdeka' chant while we are not a free country.

The reason be; Malaysia is resourceful yet we import food. We claimed to be independent yet we can't feed our own people. We eat beras Siam, Australian or Indian Beef, New Zealand milk, Chinese vegetables, Japanese tuna and so many imported fruits.

As for living and luxury, our Proton and Perodua is expensive as hell. A pakcik who wishes to drive have to take up a seven years loan before the car can actually be theirs. By the end of the seven years terms, the car is already worn out and old that they have to take up another loan for a better car. Houses are expensive people rather live in setinggan area and land are to expensive for most of the people to afford. Leaving them no other choice but to live in a low-cost flat. The people being discriminate on their own ground.

Even our professionals are being discriminate. Three to five years of studies, you can't even get a job with a decent pay (decent as in living comfortably. RM 1,800 for fresh graduate hardly qualifies as decent with the demanding cost of living in Malaysia. Bayar sewa rumah dah habis 10% of the gaji, if your sharing. Much-much more if you're not) Huge company rather spent 20k per month to pay foreign professionals than to employ local 3 local professionals of the same level of expertise at a lower rate per month. This, I am not speaking out of the context, as I seen it myself. My previous employer rather employed a Filipino Engineer (who does nothing but play Solitaire during most of the office hours) than to promote local engineers who is better and more competent than the good-for-nothing Filipino asshole.

So, how independent are we? After 50 years, how independent are we?

A country like Malaysia, so resourceful, should have prioritized in feeding the people first before considering the 'glory of the nation'. The larger country, for instance, US or Japan are successful in feeding their people first before successful in other glory. Ah San believes that the our soil can provide good food for us. Meat, chicken, fruits, grains and vegetables apart from sources like minyak sawit, rubber etc. Seems like we have forgotten the fruits of the earth, the soil while we focused on building this and that, develop here and there and all other bullshits claimed to be 'generating investment for the country'.

A hardware store tauke like Ah San maybe just another Jack from the street, unlike the top guns who play direct role in the administration. But just like any other small, 'unimportant', ordinary people, a tauke like Ah San, sure has a great view on things; something worth considering. Shows to show that the government should listen more to the people rather than the tinkle in their pockets.

A friend, Sunder says that if we look at the logic, a KFC worker in Malaysia, work for 1 hour and gets RM2. While a KFC worker in UK work for the same amount of time gets at least £5.50. The cheapest KFC meal cost around RM5.80 in Malaysia and the same cost £3.50 in the UK. Looking at the logic, a KFC worker has to work 3hours in Malaysia to afford a meal while in UK, he has to only work for 45minuts or less to afford a meal. With even a daily meal being dead expensive, we wonder why the cost of living is so expensive.

That's how bad we can't afford to feed our people. Independence? Go figure!

Look no further; our own parameter. If we still ask for pocket money from our parent even after we have been working for some times, dare we call ourself independent?