Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Words are flowing out... endless rain into a paper cup, said John and Paul back in the late 60's and it's from the song 'Across the Universe'.

Sharing the same title with this song is ofcourse the somewhat eccentric pointless and an obvious Beatles-zealous movie about two hearts finding their way through love in the late 60s.

As it may not appeal to just anybody, Beatles fan like myself could not help but adore this movie so much as I sing-along to almost all the familiar tunes sang all throughout the movie. 33 Beatles songs altogether. Started with Girl, Helter Skelter, All My Lovin' through I Wanna Hold Your Hand, With A Li'l Help From A Friend, I Am The Walrus, Strawberry Fields Forever, Hey Jude and all the way to All You Need is Love at the very end. The story line maybe a bit loose, but still a good sing-along session. The story was creatively woven with the song to create these movie, or rather the other way around? Heck, whatever.

Meet Jude, a young lad from Liverpool (ofcourse, where else our Beatle-obsessed-movie-hero could be from) making his way to the US (I'm not particularly sure for what reason).

Meet Lucy, a lost and broken hearted gal.

Long story short, really short; Jude met Lucy, fell in love, went through hell and out, end. Typical.

Notice the names? Jude, Lucy... they also have Sadie, Jojo and Prudence. I'm suprised they didn't have Loretta Martin, Michelle, Sergeant Pepper and Billy Shears!

Again, a very-very loose and simple storyline. The best west-end-like rendition of With A Little Help From My Friends ever. At some point the kaleidoscopic visual incorprated in the film really depicts the feel and soul of the Beatles' songs in the late 60s. Great sing-along session. It's not at all that bad. Hey, if a story starts with a line like 'Is there anybody going to listen to my story?' can't be that bad. I remembered Mr. Snicket did something alike, turns out to be a bomb.

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