Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Can't Get It Out Off My Head

It's too annoying for me to leave it alone! The 'Book-Hater' gets to me sooo much these days that I have to do this. You leave me with no choice. Yeah right, as if this was the biggest sin ever committed by man-kind.. Well, it is! At least to me, it is!! *finger stuck out*

Ok, let us recap what really happened.

Let us refer Book-Hater a.k.a Shallow Twerp a.k.a Manusia Bongok Bodoh Sombong Tak Sedar Diri (obviously, I have personal issue with this unfortunate bloke, I admit it) as Mr. IDIOT

Date of event; Somewhat long time ago, I remember strongly that it was during Potter-Mania, right after the release of the long awaited Book No. 7. (Yes, that long, I don't forget that easily)

Note that the names are changed, as well as the language (S'wak to English lah)

So, on that faithful morning...
Me :
I just bought the new HP, No. 7... (me, regretfully being friendly)
Oh, the new movie? Out already?
(Inner Me: Movie? Who's talking about movie. Hello, Earth to Mr. IDIOT) No. The book. The long awaited.....
You actually have time to read? Gosh
What do you mean? It's only the most celebrated modern literature ever.
Urgh, really? I just hate reading.
(stunned) (Inner Me: Didn't expect it be blurred out like that. You could have made it more subtle, idiot. No wonder you're so boring.)
(Innocently) Why? You should try it. Once you tried it, you won't know how to stop.
Really? (sarcastically) I just hate it. So, I don't want to.
You really don't know what you're missing (Inner Me: Gosh, now I know why you didn't finish Medicine. For info, the monkey wasted 2 semesters, I think, in Med. You=doctor? Dream on! Let's see you try to make into Engineering industries with that shallowness and ignorance, you pig!)
I don't know how you find time. To me it's just boring.
What? *snigger*(Inner Me : Boring? You're boring!! You don't know the half meaning of it, you ass!)
You don't know that. You never tried. (Inner Me: And like hell you will! How ever did you become a fuckin' Project Manager. You're the Most Shallowest PM in the whole wide world!)
Dah la, Lee. It's boring, I hate it, I just don't like it and I won't. I can't imagine that you can find time for it.
Sukati la, you just don't know what your missing (Inner Me: Unbelieavable! Yeah, yeah. We get it. You have a dire allergy towards books. Or you're afraid that the Big Bad Book might hurt you. Ooooooooohhh.... Ok, ok, we get it. Man, you suck!)

Ok, I might exaggerate my emotion, and I might be a bit carried away (a bit, hah!), and obviously I have serious unforgivable issue with the jerk (considering that he's the most hated person right now, yeah, I guess you can say that), but honestly, people who doesn't respect any work of art, ANY WORK OF ART, in this case literature, just ticks me off. I don't mind if you choose to pay less attention to it, but if shut it down and make fun of people who really appreciate it, I'm lost for words for you, man.(said it all already anyway,so?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm..ignorant is a blessing my friend.