Friday, 28 December 2007


Okay, who started this? WHO? Better come clean!! Who??.... coz it's one helluva good idea. As I told Nad, I will do it too. Thus.....

8 Random Things About Me

1. I talk to myself.
Scary, but true. Talking, as in conversation with someone, as if that someone IS listening, but that someone is not there, and that someone is really me. Are you getting this? True, I scared my wife with this fact. I can't help it. Imagine Sixth Sense minus the dead people, just me. Or maybe, Captain Jack Sparrow where he's in that ship with a lot of other Captain Sparrow.You dig? No? Nothing serious or psychotic, really. It's to help with my self-esteem. Really....

2. I love food.
AFC is my favorite channel to date. 'Nuff said.

3. I cry more than my wife does.
Honest truth! But it never made me feel bad. If you ever watched Holidays, you know what I mean. Jude Law's character in the movie admitted to Cameron Diaz's just that. So, not so bad ay? Man+ Tear= No problem. I mean, Jude Law cries. So?

4. I'm a lone ranger.
I have no problem watching movie by myself, shopping on my own, eating in a restaurant alone, watching gig unaccompanied. No problem! But not to the extent of that I Am Legend!

5. Like a child I love to fantasize
... and I have my self-carved Magic Wand, obsession with my Fox Daemon, Marchestra (even saying her name is ecstatic) and a Naruto forehead cover band to prove it. Did I mention I have a Magic Wand? Expecto Patronuuuuuuuummmmmm!!!!

6. I am not a football fan.
EPL, La Liga, Seria A... just ain't my thang. But if you wanna get down wit me, dawg, throw me sum hoops, slam me your jam, and I show ya wat real manly sport looks like, ite? and tat's B-ball, fool. Something I picked up from He Got Game. My hip-hop slang may sucks, but in da ball court, I ain't your average white boy, urgh!** Gosh, I better stop doing that, that sucks sooo bad.

7. Admittedly, I'm likeable... **ehem-ehem.
I can give quite a notable first impression. But, you may soon find out, that I'm forgettable. Remember Ocean Eleven, when George Clooney told Matt Damon on their Bellagio Mission, that he needed to act into someone likable but forgettable? I don't need to act it. You may find me pleasant at first but soon the light may get dimmer and dimmer, as I shy out, and before you know it, I'm invisible.

8. I am very much influenced by TV and Movies.
Kids, when they say 'Don't believe everything you see on TV',
I say, 'Don't believe the person who says "Don't believe everything you see on TV", at least until someone else you trust says otherwise.' Look at me!
You can plug in a cable to me and watch more channel than Astro, and without the disturbance (you know, the one you get during even the slightest rainfall). Yes, I am THAT influenced, trust me.... sik cayak kah? See item 1-7. Need I say more?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U really do have a magic wand? Seriously?.