Thursday 28 February 2008

Lies and Deceptions

1. To say something that is not true in a conscious effort to deceive somebody
2. To give false impression
1. a false statement made deliberately
2. a false impression created deliberately

1. the practice of deliberately making somebody believe things that are not true
2. an act, trick, or device intended to deceive

The case. A student applied for a scholarship. The secretariat assured that there’ll better chance if the student already receive an offer from the Uni. No matter what or where the applicant wished to study, as long as it's listed, the government will give out the scholar. The student gladly applied. About hundreds other aspired enthusiastic students applied. Less than 20 were short listed. And after a long haul, by reason of deliberation and several decision-less meetings, the board finally decided that seven hopefuls were successful, with a catch. Scholarship will be awarded if the students attend local Unis. Most of the successful applicants are attending oversea Unis. As a result to that, the hopefuls were given an ultimatum. Take it or leave. Just when all hopes were tarnished, the secretariat said that appeal was possible but with no assurance and and will only be presented to the board’s next year. The appeal meant almost nothing and the ultimatum remained. The sad part was, they knew that these students have already enrolled and started their semester, and no way for them to turn back now.

You know what I think? I think it's their way of saying,
‘Sorry, we don’t have that kind of money to spend on education as we’re going to spend it on election campaigns *wink-wink* (interpreted: gallons of beer to bribe people at the rumah panjang to vote for their fallacious leaders).’ OR

We know that those money are from the people and we should be giving back to the people, but our power-hungry government leaders requested to misuse the money, nothing we can do *fake frown* boo-hoo…’ OR simply,

We don’t want to give you the scholar’

Tolong lah… Dude, I can settle easily with that, rather than you wasting your energy and time beating around bushes. We understand if you don’t want to help us. We are used to it and you have always been like that.

I don’t know about you, but whatever it is, this sure falls in the category of saying something that is not true in a conscious effort to deceive somebody by giving false impression, making a deliberate false statement, making somebody believe things that are not true and intentionally deceiving.

Verdict; These government people are a bunch of liars.

Tuesday 26 February 2008


The sun is here,
Why do I still feel the drizzle,
Still can hear thunder,
Still can see darkness,
Still can taste rain,
Still can sense gloom,
Sun, you big deceiver!

The sun is here,
Why do I still feel
That the storm is near

Monday 25 February 2008


I don't need to be reminded,
Of how worthless of man I really am,
For my father has done it so many times,
But for that to be said by you,
Made it a thousand times true,
I spat the man I see in the mirror,
As the lights in his eyes sells confidence no more...

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Of Earth, Wind and Fire

Earth, one time it was covered with white frosty snow. Wind, most of the time is prickling cold and dead chilly. And Fire, most of the time does almost nothing in the sense of giving warmth and heat. That's basically how it is here. Cold, gloomy, windy, dark... If this was a person, it's a person with a villainous character. Like Ralph Fiennes, or Jeremy Irons, or even Tim Roth. Wicked evil yet calm and almost subtle. We hate 'em but can't get enough of 'em and we can't really not love 'em. That's Brit for you, mate. The weather, the people, the town, the food. They all give us that same cold, gloomy, uncomfortable feeling. And we can't quite hate it.

I started my first class last Friday (Friday being my student day, 2 classes only both on Friday) It was somewhat tantalizing, being the first time I'm becoming a student again after 4 years.
It was uplifting and interesting as the first class was (although, I don't want to speak too soon).

As of now, I choose not to predict how it is going to be. I can't remember how everything was when I did my first degree. I don't really know what to expect, what to feel, what to do, how to do it. Honestly, most of the time I'm befuddled. Not with the lesson, which I can proudly say that 4 years working has done a lot with my understanding towards the business, but the university life, coping with student environment and mixing around. I know I'm doing the right thing, but I'm not sure I'm doing it right. I think maybe 4 years is too long of a pause. Hopefully, in due time I will cope and pace up.

By the way, this is the picture of an eventful first snow fall, happening Friday afternoon. This view is from our room overlooking rumah jiran. Not quite a nice picture though, as I have more in my friendster, but hey, tak kan tak jeles kot.... hahahahahahah.